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Publication of 4 SEE LJ


In the period of the upcoming 2 years (2018 and 2019) 4 editions of the SEE LJ following the new format are planned. 

As it was traditionally done in the previous issues, the academic part – namely the academic papers from the interested scholars, will be gathered through public calls. The novelty in this area is that there will be 2 calls per year, and the calls will be announced well ahead of the closing period of the journal, giving enough time for all interested to prepare and compile their contributions. 

The calls will be active for at least couple of months, and the closing dates when an issue of the SEE LJ will begin its preparation for publication will also be made publicly known well in advance, so that the applicants would be able to calculate with these time frames in mind. 

All active calls will be published on this web site, and will additionally be promoted to all SEELS members faculties web sites and Facebook pages.

Newly constructed web platform will enable each interested author to register and have its own profile on the platform which enables them to follow the status of the review of their paper, the corrections needed after the review is completed, to get notifications related to the new calls available or other relevant issues related to the SEE LJ, etc. More detailed information on how to use this function of the site could be found here.

The automatization of the overall process also includes the similar features for all of the actors included in the production of the publication. Thus the Editors, Peer Reviewers, Technical Editor and the Proofreader of the journal will all be given access to the platform in similar manner as the authors. Each group will be able to find more details on how to use their respective areas of the platform in the online tutorials and pdf materials available here.

The SEE Law Journal will be published in online version and printed version. The online edition will be accessible via the website while the printed version will be published in a limited number of copies (up to 500 per edition) that will be used for promotional purposes.



The edition of each SEE LJ issue is to be followed by a production and the publication of the newsletter. It will include general information about the edition and abstracts of the published articles. In addition, the newsletter will address current developments with respect to EU studies and inform on the other ongoing activities of SEELS. The web site will provide opportunities for subscription to the newsletter. 

The newsletter will be presented in a manner understandable to non-legal experts and a general interested audience avoiding jargon in order to attract and sensitise a wide audience for the legal dimensions of the European integration process in South Eastern Europe.

If you are interested in receiving this Newsletter please contact us


Webinars and other materials

The webinars are planned to cover each section of the web platform which is used by a different group involved in the production of the SEE LJ. They allow participants in different locations to see and hear the presenter, ask questions and discuss the issues they might be interested in. All of the materials are recorded and available online here alongside with the manuals for the use of the platform.

Please look for the respective webinar and material in relation to the group you are registered into.