Concept of SEE LJ
The concept of the South East European Law Journal (SEE LJ) follows closely the mission of SEELS - to foster excellence in legal science and education through regional collaboration and European integration. Through its unique composition SEELS is bringing together the most renown academic experts and young scientists in EU Law in the Western Balkans. Thematically, the harmonization of the domestic laws with the EU law, the fulfillment of the Copenhagen Criteria and the adoption of the acquis communautaire take centre stage in the network as well as the SEE LJ.
The reinforcement of regional cooperation through the publication of the SEE LJ was achieved on several levels. The publication has an editorial board consisting of 11 academics coming from all 11 member faculties of the SEELS Network. A pool of reviewers consisting of legal researchers from the SEELS members conduct the double blind peer review of the papers, and the edition is completely published in English Language.
The publication of the SEE LJ has proven to be highly useful for further dissemination of academic research results in SEE. It has created additional interest in EU related topics and a useful tool for young academics in the region in their academic development.
However, the need for more efficient tools which would enhance the collaboration between all of the actors included of the production of the journal became apparent which is the reason for the transformation of the SEE LJ which was undertaken in the past period.
The mentioned transformation accepts the aforementioned marks which will remain in the new editions of the SEE LJ, adding several novelties which will improve the structure, relevance and the production of this magazine. The greatest novelties in that sense are that we have tailored the new SEE LJ to be a Platform for Exchange between academia, legal practitioners and policy makers on EU affairs on one hand and we have automatized the overall process of publication of the issues creating a new, multi functional web platform, constructed specifically for these purposes.
SEE LJ in its new format offers a discursive space for a holistic exchange on the issues of legal reform and harmonization on the domestic level in direct relation with questions regarding regional cooperation as well as European integration because of its renewed dynamic format - a journal that is not purely academic but explicitly invites legal professionals as well as policy makers to contribute.
As such, the SEE Law Journal makes available to a global audience a unique, namely South East European perspective on the vibrantly evolving regional systems, traditions and innovations of law in the region in the context of historical, economic and political‐legal transformation. This is especially valuable when one has the current regional challenges in democratic development in mind.