The second meeting of the Editorial Board was held at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade on 28-30 of October. The editors had a chance to discuss the current issues of the publication of the journal, the editorial policy and to crate strategies for future development of the publication. Having analyzed the developments within the Strengthening of the EU Law Studies project which is in its last year of implementation and as a major component had included publication of 4 issues of SEE LJ, the board reached a conclusion that three years of the implementation were extremely beneficial / significant for the further development of the journal. The project had strengthened the internal structures, capacities and dynamics within the process of the publication of the journal, helped improve its structure as well as its editorial policy, and provided so much sothafter continuity of publication. It helped further in the promotion of the publication, and made it a catalyst for wider public debate on relevant EU Law topics.
Having all this in mind, the Editorial Board have decided that the next logical step in the development of the journal would be registration at relevant data bases for which the first steps haven ben initiated. Secondly, the Editorial Board was of a strong conviction that the SEE LJ should continue with regular publication of content after the closure of this project too. And though the printed versions might not be available for a while, it was unanimous decision of the EB that the SEE LJ should continue with publication in e form as it was before. The new policy entails that the journal will be open to a wider audience including interested authors from the region, specifically PhD candidates and the legal practitioners who would be interested in contributing. Having all this in mind, the EB had agreed that the new Call for Papers should be published in January 2020, stating clearly that the new editions will be now published outside of the JM “Strengthening the EU Law Studies in SEE” project and under the auspices of SEELS. The new editions will be published in e format solely, and the Centre for SEELS will work on conducting all of the necessary activities to register the publication in at least one relevant data base. The possibility of retroactive registration of the numbers of the SEE LJ will be additionally explored.