Publication of the 7 number of the SEE Law Journal
The last number of the SEE Law Journal to be published within this project was prepared in the autumn months of 2019 when the peer review and the proofreading activities were completed. This issue is fourth in the raw that is published within the Strengthening the EU Law Studies in SEE project, and this time features authors from the Faculties of Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skopje and Tirana. As for the specific scientific focus of the papers, the publication is heterogeneous as it deals with such subjects that tackle different legal spheres. Thus some of the papers deal with the issues related to the Corporate Law thus reviewing the issue of the Europeans Commission’s minority shareholders proposals giving a thorough overview on the matter, while other deal with an overview of the provisions of the EU Directive on Takeover Bids and the Law on Company Takeover relating to the squeeze-out right, and an analysis of the application of the institute in the legislation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina based on practical case studies. The remaining papers deal with legislation and regulation assessment in the legislation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina and the last one deals with the topics related to the Human Rights – more specifically - the application of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Republic of North Macedonia in relation to the prohibition of discrimination.
Starting with this issue the SEE Law Journal will be open to wider scope of contributions in line with the amended editorial policy that aims to include valuable content for both legal practitioners and academics. Thus the journal will be open to the contribution consisted of non-scientific papers, but valuable analyses, reviews, practices and similar inputs related to the approximation of the EU Law in the region vis a vis regional legislations. We start this practice with a review of a book on a very current topic of liability for the artificial intelligence and internet.