SEE Law Journal Web Platform - We are Officially Online
Welcome to our new web platform. We are glad to say we are now officially online and will be bringing new interesting content soon.
The new SEE Law Journal was imagined to be divided in two major sections – public one which is accessible to all interested parties, and the restricted area which is more focused on our academic public.
In the first section of our new SEE Law Journal web you will find a classical web portal informing on all issues related to SEE Law Journal and the Strengthening the EU Law Studies in SEE project itself as the new SEE LJ is being developed in its new format within the scope of this project. Additional to this we expect this area to become an academic and legal practitioners forum on relevant legal issues.
The goal of the second area of this web site is to acts as a platform which will connect all of the parties involved in the production of our journal.
In this manner we expect that we will speed up the overall production of the SEE Law Journal, and enable all of the participants in this complex process a smooth communication and exchange. Thus all of the participants in the process, will be able to register and easily monitor their tasks, obtain information on the processes of the SEE LJ, as well as communicate directly among each other.
We are confident that we have managed to produce such a tool which is useful, easy to use, monitor and easy to access. Its full functionality will be seen once we start to use it in the actual production of the SEE Law Journal, but the dedicated work, the tests and focus we have placed in its construction, give us reason to believe it will be successful. We have prepared tutorials on how to use this area for all parties involved and we hope to hear from you on your experiences as your comments and suggestions will be of high value to us.
At the moment, the content posted on the platform depicts the early stages of its existence, however we will enrich the web site with more materials in the upcoming days. In that sense, we are glad to announce that the calls for the new edition of the journal will be published soon, so we would like to invite all interested parties to visit us regularly. Finally you will notice that visually this platforms follows the style and format of the SEELS web page. We have done it on purpose as a continuity of our visual identity as we believe that it will be easily recognizable by all of our collaborators.
The production of this web platform was conducted within the frames of the Strengthening the EU Law Studies in SEE project, which is implemented fully by the SEELS network and Centre for SEELS, with the financial support of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Activities program.